What is the Most Common Dental Emergency?

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what is the most common dental emergency

Emergency dental treatment is necessary for some oral conditions that arise. In these types of situations, it isn’t advisable to put off seeing a dentist for a few days or weeks. In addition to the excruciating pain that you can experience, delaying urgent care is also likely to aggravate the issue and make it worse.

When is Emergency Dental Care Needed?

It makes sense that people are reluctant to seek out emergency dentistry in Saskatoon when they are unsure of how serious the issue is; after all, emergency oral care is frequently more costly than making a regular appointment. Here are five scenarios when it is beneficial to acquire emergency dentistry in Saskatoon:

  1. Persistent Toothaches

Not every pain is the same. While some situations can be handled with over-the-counter medications and painkillers, others will render a person unable to concentrate during the day and sleep at night. A more serious dental issue that requires immediate treatment is typically indicated by a sharp, throbbing toothache that won’t go away. A sensitive tooth, an infection, or a broken tooth may be the source of this discomfort.

  1. Damaged Tooth

When teeth are damaged, chipped, or otherwise fractured, problems can arise if they are not treated right away. It is possible for the fracture to worsen until it enters the pulp chamber. When this happens, the nerve and pulp inside the chamber are then exposed to bacteria and food particles that can irritate a person’s lips. That is a recipe for infections and dental decay, both of which can ultimately result in tooth loss.

  1. Severed Bleeding of the Gum

Gum bleeding is never a healthy thing. It may be a sign of infection and periodontal disease. Early on, treating an infection is not too difficult, but once it begins to spread to other areas, controlling it becomes considerably more challenging. Gum illness is the same way. Early phases of periodontal disease are completely reversible, but this is not the case once it has advanced to that stage.                    

  1. Lost Dental Prosthetics

When something goes awry with your dental prosthetics, such as a crown, veneer, or filling, you should see a dentist right away. When they are not in the mouth, these prosthetics are vulnerable to damage, but when something goes awry, dentists can usually easily restore them. You can quickly regain your gorgeous smile by bringing along the damaged prosthetic to the dentist with you.

  1. Oral Trauma

You should visit a dentist right away if you experience any form of oral trauma. Such a problem can be serious and can impact more than just your oral cavity. Oral trauma encompasses damage that’s been done to your jaw, cheeks, lips, tongue, and of course, your teeth and gums. 

Reach Out to Our Dental Clinic in Saskatoon

Sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether you need to see a dental professional right away or if you can hold off and do so within the next few days. Any mouth problems you may be experiencing should not be ignored; however, if you carefully monitor them, some problems that seem urgent will actually heal on their own. 

The dentist will probably want to see you in order to provide emergency dental treatment if your toothache intensifies or if you experience swelling, a bad taste in your mouth, or a fever (symptoms of an abscess). Are you unsure if your circumstance qualifies as an emergency dental situation? Make a quick call to our dentist in Saskatoon. Our dentist in Mount Royal Dental can evaluate your circumstances and find time in our calendar to meet with you right away.